The Silent Scream Part 1 - Abortion as Infanticide - Aborcja to dzieciobójstwo

The Silent Scream Part 2 - Abortion as Infanticide - Abrocja to dzieciobójstwo

The Silent Scream Part 3 - Abortion as Infanticide - Aborcja to dzieciobójstwo

The Silent Scream Part 4 - Abortion as Infanticide - Aborcja to dzieciobójstwo

The Silent Scream Part 5 - Abortion as Infanticide - Aborcja to dzieciobójstwo

Warszawa, 28.03.2007

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Abortion always stops the beating heart of the unborn child. Abortion also causes long-term health problems for the mother.

Conservapedia: "Abortion and Breast Cancer.
The vast majority of scientific studies have shown that abortion causes an increase in breast cancer, including 16 out of 17 statistically significant studies.[5] Studies showing that abortion increases breast cancer predate the political controversy.[6] It is undisputed that childbirth protects against breast cancer, and thus early termination of pregnancy must increase the risk of cancer for the mother compared to carrying that same pregnancy to birth. Yet the abortion industry conceals this increased risk, just as the tobacco industry concealed its cancer risk for decades."

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